How to install:
- Unzip Anticheat into sof2 directory, same as your sof2mp.exe
- Download
RPM 2.0.pk3 (if you don't already have it, and put it in RPM/ directory)
- Download VC++ redist, from url below.
- Run sof2 by using the 'Run sof2 with 1fx mod(With anticheat).bat' file.
- Connect and 1fx AC should run.
You will need to download the VC++ redist
direct link
Commands and hotkeys
/ac_screenshot - Screenshots the target player, sends a confirmation back to you if the screenshot failed or succeeded.
/ac_record - Records a demo of target player, duration is the time how long the demo will record.
/ac_demos - Gives latest 5 demo's of given user.
/ac_play - Instantly plays given demo(Demo id can be found by using /ac_demos).
/ac_status - Gives list of all online AC users with their total amount of screenshots/demo's.
/ac_update - Updates the anticheat instantly to the latest version
/ac_norecoil - Toggles norecoil when the server allows it, server owners can set it using 'rcon sets ac_norecoil 1', followed by a map restart.
/ac_allowcross - Toggles thirdcrosshair when the server allows it, server owners can set it using 'rcon sets ac_allowcross 1', followed by a map restart.
/ac_restart - Restarts the AC ingame
/ac_hitmarker - Displays a "hitmark" and plays a sound when you hit an enemy
/aclist - lists all available ac commands.
/snow - enable snow effect on maps that support snow shaders.
/rain - enable rain effect on maps that support rain shaders.
@AC - People without the AntiCheat can use this command to check whether a person is using the AC, it will return a /tell to the person who did @ac. Note that this is not a 100% guarantee that someone is using the AC, it's easily faked.
@AC_FS - Same as above, but this will take a screenshot of given player id.
/vertexlight - Should be the same as in fairplay's /fp_vertexlight
/autocolour - Should be the same as in fairplay's /fp_autocolour
/fullbright - Enable fullbright.
/cl_recordDemoMessage - Put this to 0 to hide the demo recording text.
/cg_killfeed - 0/1 disable or enable kill feed messages.
/cg_drawspeclist - 0/1 disable or enable to see who is spectating you.
/cg_drawextrainfo - 0/1 disable or enable the extra information when following a player as ghost/spec.
PAUSE KEY - Minimizes sof2, like in fairplay.
F12 - Hides the AntiCheat's text in the left top corner.
Added winamp intergration (Will display now display track name in the top left corner below the Anticheat text) use cg_winamp cvar to enable it
Addition to the winamp: cg_chatmusic if you use option '1' By pressing F10 you can chat the current song to other people. By choosing optiuon '2' it will automatically chat it everytime the next song is being played from the list (+ the F10 option is available).